Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kilaris Pilaris Anyone Have Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Keratosis Kilaris (also Known As Chicken Skin)?

Anyone have home remedies to get rid of keratosis kilaris (also known as chicken skin)? - kilaris pilaris

Has anyone a good home remedy to get rid of keratosis pilaris? It is also known as Chicken Skin ... Redness of the skin of the back of the arms. I hate and they want to be rid of soon, if you know please tell me. Or if you do not always know what I say, ask us ... I really want an answer. Thanks


dbraunof... said...

Buy a lotion which is alpha-hydroxy acid in it. That's what my dermatologist told me to do. Over time he goes on his own, but the lotion is kept under control.

Jeebopz said...

Try slowly scraping with a sharp knife until you leave, you do it once a day for two weeks and is almost completed.

Izzy said...

Darlin, I'm in the same boat.
I hate it ..
What helps is moisten the area with a hypoallergenic cream.
Good luck!
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