Friday, February 12, 2010

Digi Camo Scopes What Shall I Buy; A UTG Type 96 With Bipod And Digi Camo Or A UTG Type 96 With Scope And No Camo?

What shall I buy; a UTG type 96 with bipod and digi camo or a UTG type 96 with scope and no camo? - digi camo scopes

Both are the same price, but basically the problem is the accuracy vs. eyes. Oh, BTW, and what are airsoft guns.


Spudenat... said...

Most digi camo, what ... Poor results. Previously, I have a UTG L96 (N) in black matte and it was fine. I personally think the digi there to a gig and is more of a gimmick than anything else. I propose that we do not fall camouflage with scope. These include Leapers 4xS I think, and almost everything by Leapers are pretty reliable.

(If you have the oppurtunity, for the release of "Shadow Ops." It is better to improve with a run, and comes with a scarf and an extra may be some room)

potatoe9... said...

I want to buy the 1 with the bipod and digital camo cuz u get a good margin in the economic local Walmart, but there are many bbipods Arnt u can buy very cheap

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